Mutation Theatre Presents
Written and Directed by Patrick McCarthy
Co-Devised and Performed by James Tresise and Matthew Epps
Habitat is a place. It is a moment in time between two people. It is an abstraction of the spaces between us, of the words and actions that bring us together and keep us apart. It is a place where people connect, hide, fight and wonder. It is turning off the lights and waiting to fall asleep.
In the living room of an inner city share house, two young men contemplate the state of the world and their place within it. Habitat is a new production from Mutation Theatre, written and directed by Patrick McCarthy (The Corpse of Hamlet, Fluorescent Facade) and co-devised and performed by James Tresise and Matthew Epps. It is an intimate contemporary performance that explores the nature of co-existence, masculinity and the identity of young Australia.
Habitat will be performed at Melbourne's newest contemporary performance space- The Function Room.
"A gentle, introspective exploration of what it means to be a young man in the 21st century...the charm in this raw yet engaging production lies in the way we get to know its characters...moments of true emotion...alternate with scenes of simple, unfettered glee"- Richard Watts (Smart Arts 3RRR, Man About Town)
"Assured, composed, relaxed and engaging...compelling moments of emotional honesty and really sweet and endearing and heart-leakingly sad original kind of optimism, which is, for lack of a better word, refreshing...the overall effect is one of impressive craftsmanship"- Neandellus
Performance Details
10-20 March, 2010
Wed-Sat 8pm
The Function Room
129a Smith St, Fitzroy
(Above Cafe Coco)
Adult $20
Concession $15
Bookings: email-
phone- 0410 304 226
Production Shots