The Corpse of Hamlet
Written by Patrick McCarthy after William Shakespeare
Directed by Laura Hughes
Performed by Patrick McCarthy
With the voice of Tim Wotherspoon
Lighting Design by Tom Browne
Sound Design by Tim Wotherspoon
Produced by Gina Burton
Outside Eye: Andrew Grey
Bill is a shadow of a man, an echo and refraction of a hero that never was. Tired of Hell, he dresses himself in the corpse of Hamlet in the hope of finding meaning and salvation. An aggressive and unapologetic contemporary re-envisioning of one of theatre’s great characters; The Corpse of Hamlet is a darkly comic exploration of masculinity, love, language and solitude. A new work from Mutation Theatre, written and performed by Patrick McCarthy [Fluorescent Façade: Howard Arkley and Suburbia, 2008] and directed by Laura Hughes [Maelstrom-Grit Theatre, 2009].
"It's highly original"- Spark Online
"interesting, original and deeply thoughtful...a kind of progress, without doubt, replete with the ruin and rubble such progress entails"- Neandellus